

In the world of packaging, the structure and durability of cardboard boxes play a pivotal role in ensuring product safety during transit. One key component in this equation is the ‘flute’ found in corrugated cardboard. Racer Boxes, a leading cardboard box manufacturer from Vancouver, emphasizes the importance of understanding flutes to make informed decisions about packaging solutions.

What Are Cardboard Box Flutes?

Flutes in cardboard boxes refer to the wavy, arch-like layers found between the linerboards in corrugated cardboard. These flutes are not just a design feature; they are essential for providing structural strength, cushioning, and insulation to the package. The corrugation process involves adhering these fluted layers to flat liner boards, creating a sturdy yet lightweight material perfect for various packaging needs.

The Importance of Flutes in Packaging

The primary purpose of flutes in cardboard boxes is to provide protection. They absorb shock and prevent damage to the contents during handling and shipping. Additionally, the air circulating through the flutes offers excellent insulation properties, protecting products from temperature variations. Flutes also add rigidity to the cardboard, preventing it from bending or collapsing under weight.

Choosing the Right Flute for Your Cardboard Boxes

Selecting the appropriate flute size is crucial for optimizing packaging performance. Different flute sizes offer varying levels of strength and cushioning, making them suitable for different types of products. For instance, larger flutes provide better cushioning and are ideal for fragile items, while smaller flutes offer a higher printing surface and are often used for retail packaging.

Fluted or No Fluted Cardboard Boxes?

Fluted cardboard boxes are an excellent choice for shipping a wide range of products, especially those that require additional protection during transit. These include fragile items, electronics, and perishable goods. The structural integrity provided by flutes makes these boxes ideal for stacking and long-distance shipping.

But there are instances where a no-flute cardboard box may be more suitable. Products that are not fragile or do not require additional cushioning, such as clothing or non-perishable goods, can be packaged in no-flute boxes. These boxes are typically lighter and can be more cost-effective for certain shipping needs.

Conclusion: Flutes Make the Difference!

Understanding the role and importance of flutes in cardboard boxes is crucial for any business that relies on shipping and packaging. The right choice between fluted and no-flute cardboard boxes can significantly impact the safety and cost-effectiveness of your product delivery.

Cardboard Boxes In Vancouver

In the dynamic world of e-commerce and shipping, understanding the nuances of cardboard boxes, including the significance of flutes, is essential. As Vancouver’s premier cardboard box manufacturer, Racer Boxes is dedicated to providing the best packaging solutions tailored to your needs. Ready to enhance your brand’s delivery game with the right cardboard boxes? Contact us today to fortify your packaging strategy and ensure your products reach their destinations safely and efficiently.

At Rayacom Group, our role in the community extends beyond our business operations. In a recent initiative, we proudly demonstrated this commitment through our support of the Sources Langley Food Bank. This endeavor not only reflects our dedication to the community we serve but also marks a significant step as we strengthen our presence with a new warehouse in Langley.

A Commitment to Langley: More Than Just Business

As we open our new warehouse in Langley, our commitment goes beyond business growth. It’s about becoming an integral part of the community and positively impacting the lives of its members. Langley, with over 2,000 individuals facing challenges in shelter and food security, particularly during this time of year, needs support, and we at Rayacom Group are determined to be a part of the solution.

The Drive to Make a Difference

The initiative to support the Sources Langley Food Bank was driven by our belief in giving back and creating opportunities for those less fortunate. Spearheaded by Shawn Dang, the newest member of our sales team, this mission was about collecting non-perishable items and canned foods to aid the local community. His enthusiasm and dedication were infectious, inspiring the entire Rayacom team to participate wholeheartedly.

Doubling the Impact: A Team Effort

What made this initiative particularly impactful was the collective effort of the entire Rayacom team and management. For every item collected by our staff, Rayacom Group matched it 100%, effectively doubling our contribution. This was not just a campaign but a testament to our team’s spirit and commitment to giving back, especially during the holiday season.

A Successful Mission and a Promise for the Future

The joy and satisfaction of completing this mission were immense. The delivery of a full box of Rayacom goodies to the Sources Langley Food Bank was a moment of pride and reflection for all of us. It was a well-planned, executed, and fulfilled mission, embodying the true spirit of the holidays and community support.

Looking Ahead: Building Stronger Community Ties

Our initiative in Langley is just the beginning. We are already exploring further opportunities to deepen our engagement with the community. Plans are underway to meet with Carrie for a potential print job for the Food Bank, and we’re eager to explore collaborations with the City of Langley for their printing needs. These endeavors are more than business prospects; they’re opportunities to strengthen our bonds with the community and make a lasting, positive impact.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At Rayacom Group, our dedication to community service is unwavering. As we look forward to many more years in Langley, our resolve to support and uplift the community remains steadfast. We’re excited about the future, not just for our business, but for the opportunities to continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us.

The role of businesses in enriching communities is vital. As a leading cardboard box manufacturer, Rayacom Group is committed to participating in this dynamic process. We invite you to join us in this community engagement and support journey. Partner with Racer Boxes, Vancouver’s premier cardboard box manufacturer, and be a part of a movement that values more than just business success. Contact us today to explore how together, we can make a significant impact in our communities!

In the intricate dance of economics and industry, few items are as telling as cardboard boxes. As a prominent cardboard box manufacturer based in Vancouver, Racer Boxes is keenly observing the current trends in cardboard prices, which are showing signs of an encouraging economic turnaround. This post delves into the recent developments in the cardboard market, reflecting not only on the US market but also providing insights relevant to Canadian businesses like ours.

The Rising Tide of Cardboard Prices

Recent movements in the price of cardboard have caught the attention of market analysts and manufacturers alike. For the first time since the onset of interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, the cost of thick paper used in making delivery boxes is witnessing a notable increase. This trend is more than just a price fluctuation; it’s seen as a harbinger of the end of the post-pandemic inventory hoarding phase and a signal of an economy gaining momentum.

Understanding the Price Dynamics

The specifics of this price increase are significant. Linerboard, crucial for the outer edges of cardboard boxes, is seeing a price hike of $70 to $75 a ton, depending on the producer. The fluted medium, essential for the strength of cardboard, is also becoming more expensive by around $100 or $110 a ton. These increases translate to roughly a 9% rise from the current prices, a substantial shift considering the pricing trends over the past two years.

Unpacking the Timing and Impact

Interestingly, this price increase comes at an unconventional time, usually marked by a post-holiday demand drop. This reflects a stronger demand and lower supplies compared to last year, coupled with efforts by producers to counteract falling prices. The increase is a strategic move to reclaim the pricing power that manufacturers have gradually conceded.

The Broader Economic Implications

This uptick in cardboard prices is more than just an industry-specific occurrence; it’s an economic indicator. Analysts have long regarded cardboard as a reliable gauge of economic health. A rise in prices typically signals increased production and consumer spending, a positive sign for the economy. It suggests that businesses are moving out of a phase of inventory destocking, necessitating new packaging for rising orders.

The E-Commerce Factor and Future Outlook

The ongoing strength of e-commerce plays a significant role in this scenario. Despite fluctuations in other sectors, online shopping volumes continue to climb, maintaining steady demand for cardboard packaging. This is a crucial factor for businesses like Racer Boxes, indicating not just short-term gains but potential long-term stability.

The current trends in cardboard prices are more than just figures on a balance sheet. They represent a pulse check on the economy, indicating a shift towards better times. For businesses, especially in the e-commerce sector, this is an optimistic sign, suggesting robust demand and a stable market ahead.

Cardboard Boxes In Vancouver

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, the role of cardboard boxes remains pivotal. As we observe encouraging economic signs indicated by rising cardboard prices, it’s clear that the demand for quality packaging solutions will continue to grow. Ready to align your business with these positive trends? Partner with Racer Boxes, Vancouver’s premier cardboard box manufacturer. Be poised to ride the wave of economic optimism and ensure your packaging needs are met with excellence. Contact us today to strengthen your packaging strategy and embrace the promising future ahead!

In a world where businesses often prioritize profits, Rayacom Group BC, the name behind Racer Boxes, Rayacom Premium Print, Horseshoe Press, and Pacific Custom Die, stands out as a company that values its people above all else. This commitment to fostering a people-centric culture was beautifully exemplified at the group’s recent end-of-year celebration, where the spirit of togetherness, recognition, and genuine appreciation filled the air.

Rayacom Group – A Night of Celebration and Appreciation

The event, which brought together employees from various divisions of Rayacom Group, was a testament to the company’s belief that taking care of its people leads to remarkable business outcomes. The Director of Operations for BC, Richy Escolar Chua, articulated this philosophy succinctly: “Take care of the people, and they will take care of your business.”

Honoring Excellence

One of the highlights of the evening was the recognition of outstanding individuals who have made remarkable contributions to the success of Rayacom Group’s divisions. Awards were presented to those who stood out for their leadership, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

  • Leadership Award: Christian Nalda of Rayacom Group’s Corrugated Division, known as Racer Boxes, received this prestigious award, acknowledging his high expertise in corrugated boxes, self-motivation, and contribution to the improvements and efficiencies of the team
  • People’s Choice Award: Brad Witt of Rayacom Group’s Premium Print Division, Rayacom Premium Print, was honored with the People’s Choice Award, reflecting his helpfulness and impact among peers
  • Manager’s Choice Awards: Johnny Lam and Leonard Alulod of Rayacom Premium Print, and Jeffrey Garibay of Racer Boxes were recognized by their managers for the level of commitment and quality to thier work
  • Presidential Choice Award: Erika Yen of Rayacom Premium Print was bestowed with the Presidential Choice Award, reflecting her exceptional dedication to the company’s values

Games, Prizes, and Surprises

The celebration was not just about formalities; it was a night of fun, camaraderie, and surprises. Attendees were treated to a series of exciting games with attractive prizes for both winners and participants. The winners received prizes that added an extra layer of joy to the festivities.

The evening also marked significant milestones for two individuals. Douglas Loucks, with 15 years of dedicated service to the company, bid farewell as he embarked on a well-deserved retirement. Harpreet Bawa celebrated her 25th birthday amidst the cheerful gathering, and she was pleasantly surprised with a birthday cake.

Truly, Rayacom Group has exemplified putting people first.

Program Highlights

The event flowed seamlessly, thanks to a meticulously planned program:

The evening commenced with the arrival of attendees at 7:00 PM.

Robin Abraham, RayaVan Manager, and Michelle Hung, Racer Manager, set the stage for the night’s festivities with their welcome speeches.

A delectable buffet opened at 7:45 PM, satisfying the culinary desires of all in attendance.

The program continued with speeches from Rayacom management group, thanking the people for a significant growth in 2023.

Operations Manager, David Benza, followed by thanking the team and highlighting the company’s achievements and vision for 2024.

Games, with cash prizes, kept the excitement alive throughout the evening.

The night featured captivating dance performance by the first-ever, thus birthing, the Rayacom Dance Crew, with its pioneering members, Jennifer Lee, Julieta Juarez, Mark Staley, and its Captain Shawn Dang.

Farewell to Douglas Loucks included a thoughtful gift and an award plaque, celebrating his years of dedicated service.

Motivational speeches by Mark Staley and a closing speech by Richy Chua added a sense of purpose and inspiration to the gathering.

The night concluded with a birthday cake to celebrate Harpreet Bawa’s 25th birthday.

Conclusion: A Night to Remember

Rayacom Group’s end-of-year celebration was more than just an event; it was a testament to the company’s commitment to its people, a celebration of excellence, and a memorable night filled with joy, appreciation, and camaraderie. As Rayacom Group continues to thrive, it does so with its people at the heart of its success.

In the bustling world of e-commerce, the journey of a product from warehouse to customer is fraught with potential hazards. As a leading cardboard box manufacturer in Vancouver, Racer Boxes understands the pivotal role of packaging in safeguarding products during transit. This comprehensive guide offers practical advice for online store owners on preparing their packages to minimize damage and enhance customer satisfaction.

Understanding the Risks: Why Good Packaging Matters

The journey of a package is unpredictable. It may encounter rough handling, varied weather conditions, and the stress of transportation. A well-prepared package using quality cardboard boxes is your first defense against these challenges. It’s not just about avoiding damage; it’s about ensuring that your customers receive their orders in pristine condition, enhancing their trust in your brand.

Selecting the Right Cardboard Box

The foundation of good packaging begins with choosing the right cardboard box. Consider the size, shape, and weight of your product. A box that’s too large can lead to excessive movement, while one that’s too small may burst under pressure. Racer Boxes offers a variety of sizes and strengths to suit different needs, ensuring that your products have the best fit for their journey.

The Role of Internal Cushioning

Once you have the right box, the next step is to secure the product inside. Internal cushioning plays a crucial role here. Materials such as bubble wrap, foam inserts, or environmentally friendly options like biodegradable peanuts can be used to fill empty spaces and provide shock absorption. The goal is to immobilize the product, preventing it from shifting during transit.

Sealing for Security

A well-sealed box is a secure box. Use high-quality packing tape to seal all seams and flaps of the cardboard box. This not only prevents the box from opening in transit but also adds structural strength. Reinforcing the corners and edges of the box is a good practice, especially for heavier items.

Weatherproofing Your Package

Weather can be an unpredictable factor in the shipping process. Water-resistant packaging materials and seals can protect your products from moisture damage. Additionally, if you’re shipping items sensitive to temperature, consider insulated cardboard boxes to maintain a stable environment.

Labeling for Clarity

Clear and accurate labeling is essential. It ensures the package is handled appropriately and reaches its destination without confusion. Use large, easy-to-read labels, and consider adding handling instructions such as “Fragile” or “This Side Up” to give carriers clear guidance on how to handle your package.

Regularly Review and Adapt Your Packaging Strategy

The world of e-commerce and shipping is always evolving. Regularly review your packaging strategy to ensure it aligns with the latest shipping standards and customer expectations. Feedback from customers and shipping partners can provide valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Cardboard Boxes In Vancouver

One thing is clear: the importance of cardboard boxes will never wane. They are, and will remain, integral to ensuring successful and satisfying online shopping experiences. Ready to elevate your brand’s delivery game? Partner with Racer Boxes, a Vancouver cardboard box manufacturer, and be poised to ride the 2024 e-commerce wave with confidence. Contact us to fortify your packaging strategy today!

The e-commerce realm is ever-changing, and with it, the strategies for sourcing packaging materials must evolve. For online store owners, particularly those in partnership with Racer Boxes, a leading cardboard box manufacturer in Vancouver, the decision of how to manage cardboard box orders in 2024 is crucial. This guide explores two distinct strategies: placing a substantial order at the beginning of the year versus opting for several smaller orders as the year progresses. Each strategy has its unique implications for your business, and understanding these can significantly impact your operational efficiency and cost management.

Annual Cardboard Box Bulk Ordering: A Strategic Overview

Embarking on the path of bulk ordering at the start of the year can seem like a straightforward choice. This method offers the convenience of having a year’s supply at hand, potentially easing inventory management concerns. Additionally, it can be a financially savvy move, as bulk orders often come with cost benefits, including lower per-unit prices. However, it’s essential to consider the storage requirements and the upfront financial commitment this strategy demands. Moreover, the lack of flexibility in adapting to market changes or evolving packaging needs can be a downside.

Periodic Smaller Orders: A Dynamic Approach

On the other end of the spectrum, opting for smaller, more frequent orders throughout the year introduces a level of flexibility that many e-commerce businesses find appealing. This approach allows you to respond promptly to changes in product demand, seasonal trends, or even shifts in consumer preferences regarding packaging. It also reduces the need for extensive storage space. However, this flexibility might come at a higher cost per unit and could require more time and effort in managing the procurement process.

Tailoring Your Strategy for Success

The decision between these two strategies hinges on several factors, including your business size, storage capacity, cash flow, and the predictability of your product demand. A larger enterprise with stable demand and ample storage might lean towards bulk ordering, while a smaller or more dynamic business might benefit from the agility of smaller, periodic orders.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

Partnering with Racer Boxes in Vancouver allows you to leverage our expertise in crafting a cardboard box procurement strategy that aligns with your specific needs. Our experience and flexibility in order fulfillment can be a significant asset in implementing your chosen approach effectively. Contact us to fortify your packaging strategy today!

As the digital marketplace expands, online retailers must prioritize their packaging strategies to maximize profitability. Efficient cardboard box usage isn’t just about protecting the contents; it’s also pivotal in managing shipping costs. Let’s explore some comprehensive strategies on how to make the most of your store’s cardboard packaging.

Precision in Cardboard Box Size Selection:

It’s tempting to have a one-size-fits-all mentality when it comes to selecting cardboard boxes for your products, but this approach can quickly escalate shipping costs. Shipping carriers often price based on dimensional weight, which considers both the weight and volume of the package.

  • Why Size Matters: Using a box larger than necessary not only means you’re paying for wasted space, but you’ll also find yourself using more fillers to protect the product. This increases both material costs and package weight.
  • Tailored Solutions: Consider investing in a variety of cardboard box sizes or adjustable multi-depth boxes. This ensures that each product ships in a box that’s as close to its size as possible, reducing costs and environmental impact.

Strength and Durability of the Cardboard Box:

While skimping on box quality might seem like a way to save, it can lead to higher costs in the long run due to damaged goods and returns.

  • The Cost of Returns: Damaged goods aren’t just about the cost of the product. There’s the added expense of processing the return, reshipping, and potentially losing a customer’s trust.
  • Making the Right Choice: Opt for cardboard boxes that cater to the weight and fragility of your products. A slightly thicker or double-corrugated box could prevent potential damages, ensuring your products arrive in pristine condition.

Embracing Customization for Unique Needs:

For stores with products that don’t fit standard box dimensions or for those that often ship varied product combinations, custom cardboard boxes might be the answer.

  • Efficiency in Design: Custom boxes can be designed to fit your products perfectly. This not only reduces the need for excessive protective materials but also presents a polished, professional image to your customers.
  • Brand Enhancement: Custom cardboard boxes offer another canvas for branding. With the right design, these boxes can serve as effective marketing tools, enhancing the unboxing experience and customer retention.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

Optimizing your cardboard packaging strategy is essential for efficient operations and cost-saving in an e-commerce business. As we look ahead, the choice of cardboard boxes will play an even more significant role in customer satisfaction and business profitability. Need high-quality, customizable cardboard boxes for your business? Racer Boxes, a leading cardboard box manufacturer in Vancouver, has got you covered. Contact us today to find the perfect packaging solution for your needs.

As the digital horizon of online shopping expands in 2024, a foundational element remains constant: cardboard boxes. These humble packaging essentials are central to the e-commerce machinery, supporting the industry’s transformative shifts. Let’s delve into the trends making waves this year, and see how cardboard boxes fit seamlessly into this evolving narrative. They were all highlighted by Insider Intelligence, a subscription-based market research company that provides insights and trends related to digital marketing, media, and commerce.

Cardboard Boxes: The Unsung Hero of E-commerce Growth:

E-commerce continues to be the cornerstone of retail sales. Predicted to grow robustly till 2027, a core enabler of this growth is the efficient and sustainable packaging offered by cardboard boxes. They not only ensure safe product delivery but also resonate with the modern consumer’s preference for eco-friendly packaging. Moreover, with a shift in online purchase patterns, from groceries to health products, the versatility of cardboard boxes in catering to various segments is unmatched.

Deals, Discounts, and Dependable Deliveries:

While consumers are lured by enticing deals and offers, what seals their loyalty is the reliable delivery of their purchase, safeguarded in sturdy cardboard boxes. It’s a testament to the fact that while digital strategies pull customers in, tangible elements like packaging play an equally vital role in retaining them.

The Omnichannel Experience Enhanced by Consistent Packaging

Today’s consumer traverses both online and offline shopping avenues. Whether they discover a product in a physical store and purchase it online or vice versa, the consistent, tangible experience of unboxing their desired product from a familiar cardboard box reinforces brand recall and trust.

Generational Drift Towards Social Commerce

Social commerce is booming with a predicted total of $82.82 billion in sales for the year. The dynamo behind this surge? Gen Z. This demographic is more inclined to shop on social platforms, and hot on their heels is Gen Alpha. Raised in the digital age, they’re engaging with brands through platforms like YouTube. From unboxing videos to game streams, their way of discovering brands is distinctively different and digital.

Retail Media and the Spotlight on Packaging

While retail media ad expenditure is set to witness a spike, it’s essential to remember the endgame – product delivery. Advertisers and brands will benefit from ensuring their products are encased and shipped in top-quality cardboard boxes, enhancing the consumer experience from ad click to product delivery.

Cardboard Boxes In Vancouver

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, one thing is clear: the importance of cardboard boxes will never wane. They are, and will remain, integral to ensuring successful and satisfying online shopping experiences. Ready to elevate your brand’s delivery game? Partner with Racer Boxes, Vancouver’s premier cardboard box manufacturer, and be poised to ride the 2024 e-commerce wave with confidence. Contact us to fortify your packaging strategy today!

In today’s fast-paced and consumer-centric market, the use of cardboard boxes is pivotal for various businesses. Whether for internal organization or external campaigns, companies need to understand when to invest in high-quality, customized cardboard boxes and when simpler, economical options suffice. This blog aims to unravel strategies to optimize cardboard box orders to ensure both efficiency and impact, allowing companies to make informed decisions that align with their brand values and operational needs. 

Furthermore, this is a topic that we started covering here last month, click here to read the first post.

Cardboard Boxes: When to Save?

  • Internal Organization

For internal organizational purposes like storage and transportation of goods within the company premises, businesses can consider economical, standard-sized cardboard boxes. These boxes, which may not require high aesthetic value or personalized branding, help in reducing costs and maintaining operational efficiency.

  • Bulk Shipments

When dealing with bulk shipments where individual packaging aesthetics may not be a priority, opting for durable yet cost-effective cardboard boxes can be advantageous. These boxes should prioritize structural integrity and functionality over branding or design elements.

And When to Splurge?

  • Branding & Special Campaigns

When cardboard boxes serve as the first point of contact with the customers, investing in high-quality, personalized boxes is crucial. Special campaigns, product launches, or premium product shipments call for boxes that resonate with the brand’s identity, creating a lasting impression on the customers and enhancing the unboxing experience.

  • Customer Gifts & Limited Edition Items

For sending customer gifts or limited-edition items, a premium, uniquely designed cardboard box can elevate the perceived value of the enclosed item. These boxes should reflect the exclusivity and specialness of the product, serving as an extension of the brand’s appreciation and commitment to its customers.

Optimizing Cardboard Box Orders

Before placing an order, assess the specific needs and volume requirements. This involves considering the purpose of the box, the weight and size of the products, and the required durability. Understanding these factors helps in choosing the right type of cardboard box and avoiding unnecessary expenditures on over-specification.

Also, businesses can leverage seasonal demand variations by pre-ordering cardboard boxes during off-peak seasons, potentially benefiting from lower prices and ensuring availability during high-demand periods.

Opting for sustainable, eco-friendly cardboard boxes is not just a responsible choice but can also be a brand-enhancing strategy. Demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility can resonate well with eco-conscious consumers and distinguish the brand in a crowded market.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

At Racer Boxes, we understand the diverse needs of companies that use cardboard boxes. As a leading cardboard box manufacturer in Vancouver, we are here to help you strategize your packaging solutions, ensuring that you get the most value, whether you save or splurge. Reach out to us to explore a myriad of high-quality, sustainable cardboard box options tailored to your specific needs, and let’s create impactful and efficient packaging solutions together! Contact Racer Boxes today for unparalleled quality and service!

The cartonboard sector is experiencing an unprecedented surge, painting a hopeful picture for sustainable alternatives in the packaging industry. It currently represents around 17% of the global paper and board market, ranking as the second leading grade behind containerboard. This significant growth is a multifaceted response to several factors, including urbanization, population increments, economic fluctuations, heightened sustainability concerns, and evolving government policies and regulations. The data we’ll present in this post come from a recent survey by Forest2Market, which brings together experts in the sector.

The Exponential Growth in Cardboard

Experiencing a 5% YoY growth in 2021 and a 3% YoY growth in 2022, cardboard is projected to witness an even more significant rise of 8% YoY in 2023. This booming development is pivotal for industries like frozen foods and is instrumental in the collective fight against plastic pollution, pointing towards a sustainable future enriched with innovations in cardboard boxes.

Diversified Cardboard Grades

Different grades of cardboard are used to manufacture cardboard boxes, such as Folding Box Board (FBB), Solid Unbleached Kraft (SUK), and Solid Bleached Sulphate (SBS). These diverse grades ensure the optimal combination of strength, flexibility, and sustainability for varying packaging needs, facilitating the creation of tailored solutions in the packaging landscape.

Impact of Evolving Consumer Preferences

The unprecedented growth in frozen foods and the increasing consumer preference for recycled-based packaging, especially during the pandemic, has catapulted the demand for cardboard boxes. With more and more consumers opting for recycled-based packaging like Coated Recycled Paperboard (CRB), the production capacity for such sustainable options has seen a remarkable increase.

The Global Shift Towards Sustainability

Rapid consumer awareness and international legislation against excessive plastic usage are reinforcing the shift towards cardboard boxes as environmentally friendly alternatives. Several nations are imposing bans and restrictions on single-use plastics, propelling the demand for cartonboard. The escalating need for paper food-grade containers and paper cups is set to replace plastic significantly in the coming years.

Spotlight on FBB and SBS

Focusing on Folding Box Board (FBB) and Solid Bleached Sulphate (SBS), these grades are distinguishing themselves with their unique characteristics. FBB’s multi-ply composition and combination of chemical and mechanical or thermomechanical pulp make it versatile, with applications ranging from frozen food packaging to electronic packaging. On the other hand, SBS, primarily constructed of bleached chemical pulp, is renowned for its printing characteristics and moderate strength, finding its use in packaging pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, and tobacco.

The Bright Future of Cartonboard

With FBB experiencing a 24% YoY increase in 2023, it’s evident that the shift towards sustainable cartonboard is not just a fleeting trend. Countries like China dominating the coated cartonboard market and substantial investments flowing into North American cardboard production signify the lasting impact and enduring growth of this sector.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

Racer Boxes, a premier cardboard box manufacturer from Vancouver, is at the forefront of embracing and contributing to this sustainable transformation in the packaging industry. We recognize the promise that cardboard holds and are committed to innovating and delivering high-quality, sustainable cardboard box solutions that align with the global shift towards a greener future. Explore our range of cardboard boxes and let’s build a sustainable future together! Contact us today for all your cardboard box needs.

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