

As a Vancouver box manufacturer, the team at Racer Boxes create customized wholesale boxes for businesses across the lower mainland. One specialty in high demand today is the small die-cut box. This petite package is made from plain sheets of corrugated material on a machine known as a die press (or die cutter) and then…

As a Vancouver box manufacturer, the team at Racer Boxes understands there is something incredibly satisfying about unboxing a product. In fact, YouTube is full of videos dedicated just to this experience. And subscription model companies hinge their business model on this experience. So, how is possible to elevate the art of unboxing? Basically, engaging…

The SubCom Model, Old & New We sell a lot of wholesale custom mailers to businesses across the Vancouver lower-mainland, so the subscription model isn’t new to us. And for those of us old enough to remember Columbia House Record Club, the subscription business model doesn’t seem like a new model or a new innovation. But it actually has become a new phenomenon…

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