

A new year has begun! That is, this is the ideal opportunity for you to plan your company’s year as well. This planning should include all areas – from production to shipping products to their new owners. And if you’re thinking about getting ready to have a more organized and planned year, this post is for you. Let’s talk a little bit about how to get ahead and plan when it comes to cardboard boxes for shipping products. 

There are a few reasons why it is important to plan your cardboard box needs in advance. First of all, the cost savings – ordering boxes in bulk can help to reduce costs, as many suppliers offer discounts for larger orders. Also, If you wait until the last minute to order boxes, you may not be able to get the quantity or type you need, which can cause delays in shipping and potentially lead to lost sales.

Besides that, planning ahead can help you to order the right number of boxes and avoid overordering, which can reduce waste and save on costs.

Cardboard Boxes Need: Why Plan Ahead?

There are a few key things that online stores can consider when planning their cardboard box needs for the year:

  1. Ordering in bulk: Ordering cardboard boxes in bulk can help to reduce costs, as many suppliers offer discounts for larger orders.
  2. Anticipating shipping volume: It’s important to anticipate how many boxes you will need over the course of the year based on your shipping volume. This can help to ensure that you have enough boxes on hand to meet your needs without overordering.
  3. Using the right size boxes: Make sure to use the right size boxes for your products to reduce waste and avoid using too much packing material.
  4. Recycling and reusing boxes: Consider recycling or reusing boxes when possible to reduce waste and save on costs. For example: if you ordered Christmas-themed boxes and didn’t use them all, you can use them for internal company organization.

How Many Boxes do I Need?

If you’re still trying to figure out how many cardboard boxes you’ll need, here are a few tips that can help you out in this task. 

  1. Determine your shipping volume: First, consider how many products you typically ship in a given period of time (e.g. per month, per quarter, per year). This will give you an idea of your overall shipping volume.
  2. Planning for seasonal changes: If your business experiences fluctuations in shipping volume during different times of the year (e.g. the holiday season), make sure to plan ahead and order enough boxes to meet the increased demand.
  3. Determine the size and type of boxes you need: Next, consider the size and type of boxes you will need to accommodate your products. You may need different sizes of boxes for different types of products, or you may need specialized boxes (e.g. boxes with dividers or custom packaging).
  4. Consider any additional packaging materials: In addition to boxes, you may also need additional packaging materials such as bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or foam sheets to protect your products during shipping.
  5. Estimate your total box needs: Once you have considered all of these factors, you can estimate your total box needs for the period of time you are planning. It may be helpful to create a spreadsheet to keep track of your calculations.

Cardboard Boxes in the Vancouver Area

If you need cardboard boxes in Vancouver, please contact us at Racer Boxes. We work with a wide range of products and we can help you with your demands. In addition, we work with short manufacturing and delivery deadlines. If you still want to put your strategies into practice for the holiday season, get in touch by clicking here.

As a business, creating a lasting impression on your customers is essential. Your packaging is a powerful tool when it comes to making your customers feel valued and special. In today’s competitive market, great packaging is essential to boost customer loyalty and grow your brand. 

More than just boxes that protect the products that go inside them, packages are substitutes for the shopping experience. Think of a store that you like very much, where you feel pleasure in going in and buying, where you feel welcome and well attended. Well, when we talk about online commerce, the box that arrives at your customer’s home is one of the main substitutes for that shopping experience.

We know that this is not the only factor that matters – after all, the most important thing is the product – but packaging plays an interesting role in this scenario as well and we must never forget that.

How to Make an Impression With Great Packaging

Thinking about this, here are some tips to help you make an impression on your customers with great packaging.

  1. Use Quality Materials

The materials you choose for your packaging can make a big difference in the quality of your product. Quality materials like recycled paper and cardboard are perfect for eco-friendly businesses. They’re also strong and durable, so your customers can be sure that their purchases will arrive safely. 

  1. Consider Customization 

Consider customizing your packaging for a truly unique look. You can use custom printing or embossing to create a unique look for your boxes or you can use colored ribbons and bows to add a touch of class. 

  1. Promise Quality

Make sure you’re making promises of quality that you can live up to. If you’re packaging something fragile, opt for additional cushioning to keep your products safe during transit. 

  1. Make Packaging Easy to Use

Your packaging should be easy to open and dispose of. This will allow your customers to quickly unpack their purchases and start enjoying it. 

  1. Create Unboxing Experiences

Unboxing experiences are a great way to make an impression on your customers. Chocolate-filled boxes, message cards, and other surprises can all make your packaging stand out. 

Cardboard boxes in Vancouver

By following these tips, you can create a memorable and lasting impression on your customers with great packaging. Your customers will appreciate the extra effort and you’ll be sure to reap the rewards of increased customer loyalty and brand recognition. And if you’re looking for a high quality customizable cardboard box supplier to help you in your online commerce strategy, please talk to us and we can you choose the best options

Around here, on the Racer Boxes blog, we always talk about the importance of brands betting on e-commerce. This is due to the exponential increase that online shopping has been facing in recent years. This has been happening due to a mixture of factors, such as a greater variety of products and brands available, easier research and price checking, and, of course, ease and practicality for the consumer.

This behavior is definitely here to stay and, in the coming years, we must not only follow evolutions in logistics or in the shopping experience. We will also see many novelties regarding packaging. This applies both to the packaging that covers the products and to the packaging where they are sent to their new owners (the famous corrugated cardboard boxes).

Even if most of the technologies that we are going to present in this article still take some time to become popular and be widely used in commerce, it is important to already be aware of the innovations in this segment. Thinking about it, if you have a brand and like to be always up to date, keep reading to better understand what’s to come.

What is Intelligent Packaging?

Intelligent packaging is a type of packaging system that includes embedded technology and sensors to monitor, collect, and communicate data about the product or package. It can be used for food and pharmaceuticals but is also in other industries such as automotive, industrial, and electronics… And in a few years, in all of them. 

Intelligent packaging offers information and data about the product and its environments, such as temperature, humidity, location, and expiration date. This data can be used to optimize the product handling process, ensure food safety and product quality, track inventory and shipments, and more.

What Will the Packaging of the Future be Like?

In the future, we can expect packaging to become more intelligent, taking our expectations to the next level. 

For example, sensors and tags can be used to track the packages as they move through the supply chain, providing real-time insights into their whereabouts. They can also be used to provide customer convenience. For example, packages can be tracked to ensure they arrive on time, and customers can be provided with more information about the parcel and its condition. 

In addition, intelligent packaging can be used to customize online shopping experiences for the customer. That is: customers may have the option of choosing the shape, size, and color of the packaging. Remember what we talked about the unboxing experience a few months ago? This has everything to do with this! 

Another benefit of intelligent packaging is that it can help reduce waste. This means that it will be possible to use cardboard boxes (and other types of boxes as well) to provide information about the product’s shelf life and help companies better manage stock levels. This can help reduce waste and save money for businesses. 

So we can say that these innovations will help companies monitor the safety and quality of their products. Sensors and tags can be used to detect temperature changes and other potential threats that could affect the products in the package. This information can be used to provide customers with assurances that the products they are buying are safe and of high quality. 

Overall, intelligent packaging will revolutionize the way we package and ship products. In the future, we can expect intelligent packaging to provide companies with valuable data, give customers convenient and personalized packaging options, and help reduce waste.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

While this type of technology is not wildly used yet, we reinforce the advice we always give here: have a close relationship with your box supplier. That way, if you have questions or are feeling unsure about type of packaging or even which box sizes to choose, we can guide you and help you in this task. If you are in Vancouver, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

If there’s a phrase you always read around here, it’s that cardboard boxes aren’t just boxes when we talk about online shopping. After all, they replace a customer’s experience of walking into a physical store, choosing a product, paying and returning home happy with their purchase. That is, they are as much a part of marketing your brand as the first impression you have of it.

With that in mind, we’ve created a list of things to avoid when packaging your products to prevent your customers from having a bad impression of your brand and product. Keep reading to understand better.

Packaging Mistakes: What to Avoid

Boxing your products for shipping to their new owners needs to be a quick, simple, and happy process (after all, every purchase means your business is growing!). So, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Wrong Size Boxes

Here we have already given some tips on this subject. But in short, your boxes need to house your products without being too big (which compromises the safety of the product, which can break on the way, for example) or too small (think that many people will open the box using a knife or scissors – if the box is too tight, there is a chance of damaging the product in the process).

  1. Very Heavy Items

Cardboard boxes are made to keep what’s inside them safe – and they’re great for that! But they also have a weight limit – think that this box will be transported by third parties until it reaches its buyer, if you do not respect this limit, the box may arrive damaged. If you sell products that are too heavy, you may need to invest in carriers that specialize in this.

  1. Not Packing Properly

In addition to having appropriately sized boxes, you need to accommodate your products well. If you sell breakables, pack them well to avoid negative surprises. In all cases – breakable objects or not – avoid leaving empty spaces in the box. Fill them with kraft paper, for example – this prevents the products from bumping into each other during transport. They may not break, but they will arrive with a bad presentation at your client’s house.

  1. Excessive Use of Plastic

Today’s consumers are increasingly aware of sustainability issues. That is, if you can replace all types of plastic inside the packaging, even better. We know it’s not always possible (especially when it comes to items that can break easily), but if your products aren’t that fragile, switch to recyclable materials like paper and cardboard.

  1. Not Paying Attention to the Label

Errors in filling in the shipping label of the boxes lead to delays in receiving (and consequently, to frustrations on the part of your customers) and can even lead to financial losses, since if the package returns to the sender, you will need to pay to send it. it again. It seems obvious to say, but pay attention to it!

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

In addition to all this, it is important to remember: you need to have a responsible management of your stock of boxes, to prevent your customers from waiting because you miscalculated and ended up running out of them. If you need help with quantity management and also with box orders, please contact us. We at Racer Boxes a wholesale box manufacture a number of types of cardboard boxes and can help you in this process. To contact, click here.

If you follow the Racer Boxes blog, you are already more than aware of the current scenario that involves maintaining the high in online shopping – a trend that began with the arrival of the Covid 19 pandemic and has everything to stay in the next few years. If you haven’t read the articles yet, we recommend taking a look here, here and here. In other words, if you have an online store (or other business that involves mailing products) , take advantage of this moment to grow and consolidate in your segment.

And anyone selling online, of course, needs cardboard boxes. It was precisely with this in mind that we prepared today’s post: to help you plan better and organize yourself for the positive scenario of the coming months in this segment.

Inventory of Cardboard Boxes: How to Organize Yourself

We’ve prepared a checklist below that will help you plan better for the next few months, so already separate your business statistics for this task.

  1. Analyze Your Data

If you already use management tools in your business, you are likely to be able to analyze your data more easily. If you still don’t use it, separate your sales, billing and inventory data. That’s because the number of cardboard boxes needed to keep your business running smoothly for customers is closely tied to this data. Put side by side the number of sales per month for 2022 – both in absolute numbers and in revenue – and already estimate the growth for 2023. This is the same growth that your orders of cardboard boxes for packaging must have.

  1. Stock and Inventory

And each time your business grows, you need to also increase the attention you pay to factors like stock and inventory organization. That is, if you are going to increase sales, you will increase production. If you’re going to increase production, you’re going to increase your order for cardboard boxes from your supplier. Have a system to record everything you have available to avoid both spending more than necessary or running out of boxes to ship your products.

When we talk about packaging, it is also necessary to keep an eye on their storage. Store them in an environment that is not subject to humidity, especially if you order large quantities to save money.

  1. Talk to Your Supplier

Continuing the point of the previous item – many merchants order larger boxes to be able to take advantage of better prices (and also to try to avoid possible price increases or lack of materials, as we have seen happen throughout 2022). If that’s your idea, maintain a close relationship with your box supplier – he can help you with this planning and you can jointly come up with a good scenario for both of you. In addition, this is the ideal time to do this – the end of the year season is usually busy for commerce on account of the holidays, which means that you have more cash in your pocket. Take the opportunity to save on the purchase of boxes for 2023.

  1. Bet on Marketing

Another point that we always emphasize here is that cardboard boxes don’t have to be just boxes. They can be part of your marketing strategy. So, think about how you can use them to reinforce your brand’s presence in the minds and lives of customers – personalized boxes and well-packaged products, for example, are ways to use what you already do (that is, sell and send products) to stand out from your competitors.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

And if you are looking for a cardboard box supplier to put the following tips into practice, please contact us at Racer Boxes. Our professionals are qualified and ready to help you. In addition, we work with short delivery times. To contact us and request a quote, click here.

Good news for the global cardboard box segment: the sector is expected to end 2022 with a rise of more than 6%. According to The Business Research Company’s market research report, the industry is estimated to grow from US$40.94 billion in 2021 to US$43.54 billion in 2022, which means a growth rate compound annual growth rate of 6.4%. By 2026, the industry is estimated to reach $52.82 billion, with compound annual growth of 4.9%.

Rise in the Cardboard Box Segment

Also according to the report, the main factor responsible for the movement in the sector is the increase in online purchases – which should remain like  this in the coming years. The research also quotes data from a survey carried out by the American stock exchange Nasdaq, which manages global electronic securities trading , which indicates that, in 2022, it is estimated that the rise in global e-commerce will reach up to 22% compared to the previous year.

In addition, e-commerce will increase its share of total global retail sales from an estimated 21% this year to 24.5% by 2025. The top five e-commerce markets are China, US, UK, Japan and South Korea.

Evolution in E-commerce

Online shopping, which has already been increasing and intensifying in recent years, has consolidated and expanded as never before during the Covid19 pandemic. And this behavior is here to stay – even with the reopening of the companies’ physical headquarters, the habit of online shopping has already established itself among most customers. Therefore, the current trend is for online stores to modernize and increasingly improve their services.

In addition, brands that operate on both fronts (online and face-to-face) must increasingly bet on hybrid purchase models to offer a more complete experience to customers. This includes local delivery services, “pay online and collect” shopping and ever-faster delivery logistics. Some of the trends that should strengthen in the coming years are:

  1. Consumer Proximity

Both pure play ecommerce and traditional retailers will try to balance e-commerce sales with physical presence through proximity to the consumer, as this can facilitate fast delivery. This is pushing retailers towards a hybrid/omnichannel model where customers can get fast deliveries or pick up of products from public lockers, for example, at their convenience, through apps. Autonomous delivery vehicles and drones are also on the horizon to deal with logistics issues and make deliveries easier and cheaper.

  1. Data is Gold

More and more brands will use data collected in online sales, such as a customer’s tastes, preferences and shopping habits. As machines read and process this data, they can create programs and processes to maximize customer satisfaction and drive sales. This is already a reality among major players such as Amazon, for example, and will gradually become part of the daily lives of more and more companies.

  1. Everything Will be Digital

More and more companies will realize the need to have an online presence. This is valid both for the promotion of products and for the sale itself – and especially for segments that until recently were exclusively face-to-face, such as supermarkets, for example.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

Throughout this article – and even in others published here on the Racer Boxes blog – we covered some interesting items regarding e-commerce and the importance of digital presence. If your brand still doesn’t sell online and you’re structuring yourself to do so, please talk to us – we can help you with your demands for cardboard boxes for shipping products. To contact us, click here.

So it’s Christmas? Not yet! But it’s time for something very important: plan your sales strategies to make the most of this business period. The end of the year is the busiest season for commerce in different sectors. After all, it is the season that concentrates dates such as Halloween, Black Friday, Christmas, Boxing Day and the beginning of the year sales.

The period is very busy for the entire commerce sector, but online shopping is still on the rise, so if you work with online sales, today we are going to address a relevant subject for this moment: is it worth investing in cardboard boxes and themed packaging for the holidays?

Is It Worth Investing in Holiday Packaging?

If you follow the Racer Boxes blog often, you’ve probably read our articles on the importance of packaging for online shopping. If you haven’t read it, we invite you to access this article on unboxing experience, as well as this one on how important it is to incorporate your brand’s personality into packaging. What happens is that the boxes did not fail to fulfill their main objectives – to make a product arrive intact at the home of its buyer – but also took on a new position. They are also important tools in marketing strategy.

Taking all this into account, you probably already know the answer to the question we asked at the beginning of this article: is it worth investing in personalized packaging for the holidays? Yes it is! After all, when we talk about online shopping, we are transferring the experience that a customer would have in a physical store to the moment they receive their box at home. Adding this to the end of the year season, which usually stirs emotions, themed packaging can help you – and a lot – to please and retain your customer.

Customized Packaging: Tips on How to Plan

If you’re considering adopting this strategy, keep reading – we’ve prepared some tips to make this process easier.

  1. Plan Yourself

We still have a few weeks before the holiday period starts, but if you have a business, you probably already know that planning, especially at times like these, needs to start early. If you want to use custom packaging – whether inner packaging for the products or outer cardboard boxes where they will be shipped – custom, place your order with your supplier now.

In fact, this is another tip we always give here: be close to your supplier. In this way, you are able to match conditions that are favorable to both of you. Your box supplier can even help you establish the ideal quantities needed – for that, have sales estimates in recent years and company growth as well, as this data can be useful.

  1. Be Specific, But Not Too Much

What elements to use in holiday themed packaging? If you’re planning this at the last minute, the best option is to choose the more traditional or Christmas-related ones if that’s your choice. But always remember to adapt the thematic material to the personality of your brand – if it is more relaxed, choose fun messages and more playful and colorful elements; if you are more serious, choose more discreet and elegant elements.

And in these cases, a tip is interesting: avoid using elements such as dates, for example. Because if you happen to order too many packages and don’t use them all, they won’t go to waste and can be used next year.

  1. Make Specific Promotions

The commerce will be naturally heated, so it’s time to “hitch a ride” at this good moment to intensify your sales increase. If your company has a physical headquarters, bet on roulettes, gifts, instagrammable spaces to take photos, and create environments where people want to be. If your business offers delivery or e-commerce, think about coupons, exclusive offers, sweepstakes, etc. It is important that the public knows and wants your pieces – and that when they arrive at their destination, the buyer is positively surprised.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

If you need cardboard boxes in Vancouver, please contact us at Racer Boxes. We work with a wide range of products and we can help you with your demands. In addition, we work with short manufacturing and delivery times. If you still want to put into practice your strategies for the holidays, get in touch by clicking here.

You’ve created a brand, developed your first products, planned your online store and are ready to launch your website and start selling. There’s just one small detail left: deciding the right size of cardboard boxes to ship your products to their new owners’ homes. Sounds simple, right? After all, all you need to do is find a package whose measurements take into account the size of your products.

It turns out that a lot of people don’t know some details regarding this subject or else: they neglect this planning and end up wasting money on wrong packaging. Thinking of helping those who are in this stage of business, we have prepared this little guide that can be useful when choosing the right boxes to make your brand take off.

Canada Cardboard Boxes: How to Measure Them

Let’s start with the basics, which is to understand how to measure the dimensions of a box. Basically, the measurements of the boxes are length, width and depth. Note the top opening of the box to measure the following dimensions;

Length: The longest side when looking at the top of the box.

Width: The shortest side when looking at the top of the box.

Depth (Height): The side perpendicular to the length and width.

In the case of a tall or upturned box, the depth will be the greatest dimension, while the length and width will be the smallest.

On this topic, there’s a thing that a lot of people don’t know or don’t pay attention to: the industry standard for box dimensions is based on internal measurements, not external ones. This is because the external measurement would not take into account the thickness of the cardboard, which could lead to errors when fitting your products. Because of this, most manufacturers are very specific about the size of the inner and outer dimensions, and with good reason. After all, no one wants their products to be damaged because of incorrect measurements.

How to Choose Your Boxes?

Now that we’ve explained a little about how to measure boxes, let’s move on to tips for choosing the best packaging for your products. For starters: what product are you going to ship and what size is it? Measure the dimensions of the finished package in this order: length, width and height. Is it a standard size and shape or is it a special item that may not fit in a standard box? Can you flip your item to fit in a smaller box?

Follow this rule of thumb: look for a box that is big enough to fit your product – and maybe fill in gaps – but not much bigger. If you buy a very large box, you end up paying more for packaging materials and shipping. In addition, your operation becomes less ecological – and people tend not to like receiving products in packages that are much larger than the product.

If you’re going to ship products like books or clothes, there’s not much need to fill the voids in the package with paper or bubble wrap. But if your products are breakable or delicate, take that into account – in addition to the box itself, you will need kraft paper or plastic – if possible, prefer paper.

Will You Ship More Than One Product at a Time?

Online stores usually sell multiple products, so the chance for your customers to buy more than just a single item is there, right? Shipping orders can feel like building a 3D puzzle. Get creative when trying to fit multiple items into a box, rotating and nesting them in various ways to find the best arrangement.

Let’s use an example to illustrate the tips. Let’s say you’ve founded a brand that sells bar cosmetics like soap, shampoo, and conditioner. And that the first item launched was a shampoo. So, at this first moment, people should buy one or at most two items at a time, right? So, at that first moment, you can invest in smaller boxes, big enough to fit two packages – that way, you save both on your box order and on shipping expenses.

After a few months, you also launch the bar conditioner and two soap options, totaling four products in your portfolio. From now on it may be more common for people to buy more than two products at once, right? From that moment on, you must then place an order for boxes with a greater variety of sizes.

Always pay attention to customer buying behaviors over time. Do people often buy certain items together? Do you offer incentives or discounts for customers to purchase a specific amount of products? Use this information to predict which box size will be most popular.

Cardboard Boxes in Canada

Finally, we reinforce the advice we always give here: have a close relationship with your box supplier. That way, if you have questions or are feeling unsure about which box sizes to choose, he can guide you and help you in this task. If you are a business in Canada, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Do you have a business that sells and delivers items like food, beverages or even other items that may be temperature sensitive like pharmaceuticals for example? If so, you probably already know that it is essential that these items are securely packaged and that this packaging contributes to ensuring that the product remains in good condition until it reaches the buyer’s home, right? After all, there are items that are more sensitive to factors such as humidity and temperature changes.

If you are just entering this market or would like to improve the conditions in which your products are shipped, keep reading – we have put together a list of tips that can help you in this process.

Cardboard Boxes and Packaging

Before considering any other factors to ensure the safety of your temperature-sensitive products, you should always think first about the type of packaging you are using. Yes, the packaging you use can help prevent damage to items.

  1. Cardboard Boxes

Yes, the good old corrugated cardboard box is still unbeatable when it comes to packaging for transporting products – they are durable, resistant and ecologically correct. If you sell fruits and vegetables, for example, there are boxes that were designed specifically for this purpose and that help ensure that the products reach buyers intact.

  1. Padding

Going back to the example of selling and delivering fruits and vegetables – cardboard boxes are your biggest allies in this process, right? But not only them – after all, when sending apples and peaches loose in a box, there is a risk that the fruits will hit each other and arrive crumpled at the buyer’s house. Therefore, pack your products well so that they are still inside the box – you can do this using kraft paper or cardboard dividers, for example.

It’s interesting to have several types of dividers available, so you can accommodate customer requests almost as if it were a real jigsaw puzzle. Contact your box supplier and they can help you come up with good solutions for this issue.

How to Keep the Temperature Stable For Cardboard Boxes?

Now that we have addressed the issue of choosing suitable packaging for sensitive products, we can move on to more specific actions with regard to temperature.

  1. Isolation

Let’s start with a tip that is aimed specifically at those who sell fresh items such as still raw meats and fish, or dairy products like cheeses. The ideal, in these cases, is to send the products in insulating packaging, such as vacuum-sealed plastic, which will ensure that they arrive fresh to the recipients. Then, just place the products in suitable cardboard boxes.

This tip is also valid for those who sell homemade items such as cookies, brownies and breads. For local deliveries, you can opt for paper and cardboard packaging, as noted above. But if you ship your products to other cities, a good idea is to invest in airtight packaging, which can be either pots or plastic.

  1. Plastic

Are you shipping frozen items? In this case, even if the delivery is made in places close to where you are, you have to count on the possibility that there may be a leak – if this is the case, you can invest in airtight packaging (and think about a return policy, for example) or even lining the cardboard boxes with watertight plastic.

  1. Ice

Another option to keep the contents of the boxes you send cold is the use of gel packs, gel ice or even dry ice, which are materials that can keep the temperature cold during transport. In this case, be sure to include safety instructions for handling dry ice, for example, in the box.

Cardboard Boxes in Vancouver

Finally, if you need help thinking of good cardboard box options for your company, please contact us. Racer Boxes works with an extensive portfolio of custom boxes and can help you find the ideal options for shipping your products. In addition, we work with fast delivery of up to 15 days. To contact us, click here.

The shipping of purchases made over the internet is a reason for a lot of anxiety. For everyone. On the one hand, we have a client that, right after making a purchase, already activates a mental countdown until the delivery date. On the other are online sellers, responsible for making the right choices for this gear to work properly.

But how to deliver orders with the least chance of delays and agility necessary to beat the competition? That’s what we’re going to talk about in this article: the smart solutions to optimize your shipping and make it more agile!

Online Commerce Needs Freight Management

The first step for those looking for agility in sending packages is to develop assertive freight management. Get to know your business and the demand for deliveries generated in your virtual store. If this mapping is still unclear to you, then start this assessment right away.

The biggest mistake an internet salesperson can take is to leave situations to deal with as they arise. Agility is a consequence of proactive planning to prepare your e-commerce for different situations. For example, if you already know that you usually make around 50 sales every day, you already know that you need at least 1550 cardboard boxes per month.

Always observe if this number is increasing or decreasing month by month to be able to make packaging purchase forecasts. Also prepare for commemorative dates in advance.

Organize the Small Tasks

The more organized your company’s day-to-day activities are, the greater the agility of the entire logistics process. It may seem like simple advice, but one that many businesses, especially smaller ones, don’t usually follow. To do this, make a list of all the processes necessary to send an order.

That is: printing the label with addresses, issuing invoices, separating products, separating packages, assembling packages and so on. Do each one at a time – set aside a time of day for prints only, another time for closing boxes only. To avoid stopping what you’re doing to assemble a new box several times a day.

Optimize order preparation

You must know precisely the time spent to pack the orders so you don’t waste time on it. Always having the packaging and materials to wrap or accommodate the items at hand is essential. Make a checklist of this demand and don’t miss the inputs to release the order as quickly as possible.

The alert is even more urgent if your e-commerce works with customized packaging. A differentiated delivery experience does not justify the delay in transport. Count the time to prepare the package along with the delivery time informed to the customer.

Look for New Delivery Methods

Remember, when we talk about streamlining processes, we talk about your actions in logistics, as well as meeting delivery deadlines. That is, investing in fast shipments means being one step ahead of possible turbulence and unforeseen events. If possible, offer the customer several options – both a more cost-effective (and longer-lasting) and a faster one.

Remember that for a considerable share of customers, delivery time may be more important than the shipping price. In this case, it is not just the agility of your logistics that we are talking about. The central point here is how speed stands out as an influencing factor in the purchase decision.

Prepare Your Cardboard Boxes

If you have an online store, you will invariably need cardboard boxes to ship your orders. If you are in the Vancouver area, please contact us. We can help you with your demands and work with fast deliveries. To request a quote, click here.

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