

How to Choose the Right Garment Box

Are you wondering how to pack and deliver your garments in the best possible way? Look no further because we have just the right thing for you! Using handpicked advice from the pros in the textile industry, we have compiled some great tips for you to choose the best garment box for your needs.

Easy To Assemble

If you are delivering garments in bulk, chances are you will need to hire a transporter or truck. Choosing boxes that are easy to assemble can come across as a great advantage when you are paying for space. Using rectangular cardboard cartons is always the safest because these can be stacked one on top of the other, using up lesser space and significantly reducing your transportation costs. In contrast, using bags or soft packaging would make assembly extremely difficult.

Die Cut Boxes with Handles

Die Cut Boxes with HandlesWhether you work in a factory or in a clothing outlet, your garment boxes will need to be moved here and there every now and then. Make sure the garment boxes you choose are designed in such a way that they can be carried with ease. Using very tall boxes can make it hard to transport them manually. Racer Boxes offers cardboard boxes for garments that have handles, making it nearly effortless to pick them up and move them around.

Display-Friendly Designs

Many a time, garment boxes need to be put on display in outlets. In such a case, the box that you have chosen must be display-friendly. Racer Boxes has two uniquely designed boxes that are perfect for frequent displays. Our Die-Cut Garment Display Tray is a one-piece self-locking carton which is open from the top and one side, while being walled from the remaining three sides. This makes display easy and appealing.

Our second great design is the Insert Organizer, which is a box consisting of a body set that can be inserted and drawn out of a sleeve set, much like a cardboard drawer. You can slide the box out, display the item and slide it back in.

How To Order Your BC Garment Boxes

To order your wholesale boxes, call Racer Boxes in the Greater Vancouver Area at 604-270–8205 or contact us online anytime!

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