

4 Top Reasons for Using Racer Boxes for Your Next Box Delivery While there are many wholesale cardboard providers in Vancouver, Racer Boxes is a company that strives to stand apart from its competition. Here are the top 4 reasons how Racer Boxes is the best option for your next delivery job: We Cater to…

The Best Way to Store & Deliver Agricultural Produce Like any agriculturist, you must have felt the dire need to package and deliver your produce in the best possible manner. Since most agricultural produce is perishable, it demands special care and attention. In order to make sure your produce reaches the consumer in the right…

Are you a Vancouver deliverer who needs to deliver items with care and style? Well, you’ve hit the right spot. Racer Boxes, one of the most reliable producers of cardboard boxes Vancouver, offers wholesale prices on a wide array of cardboard boxes. And great news, some of these designs are ideal for your delivery guy!…

Hassle-Free Moving Tips Moving is one of the biggest hassles you will ever come across in your life. Just thinking about the tedious process gives many people the shivers. However, moving is also highly overrated. Here are 3 excellent tips for making your moving experience as smooth as silk: 1. Box it Up The primary…

Why Racer Boxes is the Box Manufacturer For You Packing goods and delivering them can be a tedious process for many vendors. In such a scenario, having a reliable packaging partner can be quite the blessing. Racer Boxes promises its partners to provide high quality cartons and even higher satisfaction. But how does it do it? Here…

Innovative Cardboard Boxes Made in Richmond BC Are you delivering items in shipping boxes to far off locations? Or, are you moving to a new home with all your fragile belongings in moving boxes? Whether it is these situations or any other cardboard packaging needs, you definitely want boxes that are safe, durable and reliable. While most…

Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas, and often meet to gossip or share ideas. On the other hand, we bossed ourselves around, set impossible goals, and demanded longer hours than office jobs usually…

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